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A constant engagement in respecting the environment.

Use the container provided to get rid of your disposable or rechargeable batteries, both button cells or cylindrical cells that are commonly used to supply toys, watches, calculators... We will provide for the delivery to the waste recycling centre.

Contact LA COOPERATIVA DI CORTINA - soc. coop. Corso Italia, 4032043 Cortina d´AmpezzoBL (I) Phone +39 0436 86 12 45Fax +39 0436 86 13 00 E-Mail: PEC: 
La Cooperativa di Cortina
Opening hours
Ground Floor, Supermarket, Balcony Floor and Customer Office:
Mon.- Sat. : 8:30 – 13:00 & 15:00 - 19:30

Perfumery, Floor 1°/2°/3°:
Opening at: 9:00

Sunday: closed
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