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Healthy with the bees

Healthy with the bees

Art. Nr. CAR072
They can be annoying and sometimes sting, causing pain, but without bees there would be no life. Why bees are so important for the nature, the environment, in short for all life on this earth, and why man takes advantage , and in several ways, the industrious little animals, explains in this book Dr Christian Thuile, nutritionist and specialized in complementary medicine. Whether it’s honey, propolis, royal jelly or hive air: bee products keep you healthy and even heal. This is why apitherapy is one of the oldest naturopathic methods - and enjoys a growing popularity.
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La Cooperativa di Cortina
Opening hours
Ground Floor, Supermarket, Balcony Floor and Customer Office:
Monday - Saturday:
8:30 – 12:30 & 15:00 - 19:30

Perfumery, Floor 1°/2°/3°:
Opening at: 9:00

Sunday: closed

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